The WHV Club of America is the official AKC Parent Club of the Wirehaired Vizsla. On this site you can find information and history about the breed, membership information, and other great info!
Zoldmali Kennel is the world's #1 dual-purpose kennel for Wirehaired Vizslas. Zsofia Miczek has been training and breeding WHV for over 17 years. Her accomplishments and dogs are just astonishing. Her knowledge and the way she understands not just her dogs but all those around her is uncanny. She is truly an amazing person to know and learn from about this breed!
This is a database of smooth and wirehaired vizsla heritage and pedigrees. The database can help breeders keep wireharied vizsla lines stay healthy by following responsible breeding.
The Canine Chronicle is a website and a publication that has information about the showing (conformation show) world. You can find statistics here of the top-rated dogs in the country (including wirehaired vizslas). There are also articles about showing, breeding, and other dog info.
The AKC is a site with wonderful resources on it. You can find information about many breeds, including the WHV. Below is a link to the AKC site and to the AKC WHV-specific page. Also see below the standards document put out by the AKC on the WHV.
The NAVHDA is a site about the organization and how you can join and find your local chapter. You can find information about the NAVHDA hunting tests and goals of NAVHDA. Below is a link to the NAVHDA site.
AKC Wirehaired Vizsla Standard
This document details the official standard of the Wirehaired Vizsla. You can find this on the AKC website under the Wirehaired Vizsla page.
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